Concept / Feasibility Engineering
Whether it is a new plant, expansion of an existing plant or even, a new pilot facility that needs to be built, many questions come to surface: Must it be a continuous or batch process? How much is it going to cost? What is the best process configuration? Is it technically feasible?
Multipole Projects is experienced in narrowing down possible technical options and performing an economical viability at this early stage of the project. At this point a conceptual design is developed and includes preliminary process flow diagrams, mass & energy balances, a list of major equipment, and a rough order of magnitude cost estimate.
Also during this stage potential design risks are identified, which can include weak areas in the design basis, insufficient laboratory data etc. Actions to address these shortfalls and uncertainties are then formulated to be addressed prior to or during the next phase of the project.
Below is a breakdown of the project phases being followed by Multipole Projects. Because project deliverables are project specific, clearly defined deliverables are formulated in liaison with the client prior to commencement of the project.
Project Initiation: Literature Study
- This is the first step in starting a new project.
- Obtain process options and available technologies and perform preliminary selection of possible technologies and/or processes.
- If required, perform laboratory synthesis/tests and, if required, pilot plant test work/demonstration plant evaluation work.
Stage 0-Phase 1: Select Process/Technology
Costing Definition: None
Costing Accuracy: N/A
Pursue several technologies and/or processes and select the best process in terms of the following criteria:
- Raw Material Availability
- Raw Material Toxicity
- Energy Requirements
- Technology Complexity
- Process Robustness
Stage 0-Phase 2: Laboratory Tests
Costing Definition: Laboratory Quotation
Costing Accuracy: Fixed / Hourly Rates
Evaluate the process on laboratory scale and perform the following based on laboratory results:
- Mass & Energy Balance
- Block-Flow Diagram
Stage 0-Phase 3: Pilot Plant Tests/Demonstration Plant Evaluation
Costing Definition: Pilot /Demonstration Plant Cost
Costing Accuracy: 90%
Evaluate the process on Pilot Plant/Demonstration Plant scale:
- Design the Pilot Plant/Demonstration Plant
- Cost the Pilot Plant/Demonstration Plant
- Procure the Pilot Plant/Demonstration Plant equipment
- Construct the Pilot Plant/Demonstration Plant
- Perform process runs on the Polit Plant/Demonstration Plant
- Develop a Mass & Energy Balance
Stage 1: Conceptual Design (Conceptual Engineering) (Options Study)
Costing Definition: Order of Magnitude Cost Estimate (Factored Cost Estimate)
Costing Accuracy: 50%
- Decide on the best economical and technical option for the process. Study the options and recommend the best one based on the specific project requirements.
- In the case of Laboratory/Pilot Plant/Demonstration Plant work, the best process/technology option wiil be based on results obtained.
- During the Conceptual Design a convincing business case is to be presented.
Typical Deliverables:
- Preliminary Process Flow Diagrams
- Preliminary P&ID’s
- Preliminary Equipment Costs (Historical)
- Preliminary Layouts
- Location/Site Logistics Studies
- Preliminary factored cost estimate
- Financial Pro Forma (ROI justification)
- Strategic Business Assesment
- Preliminary Project Schedule
Stage 2: Preliminary Design
Costing Definition: Study Cost Estimate
Costing Accuracy: 70%
- The Preliminary Design Phase aims to provide a more accurate cost accuracy of approximately 70% in a relative short period of time compared to the more accurate costing during the next phase, Basic Engineering, which takes proportionally much longer to complete.
- Costing is based on quotations on major equipment.
Typical Deliverables:
- PFD’s nearly complete
- Preliminary Mass & Energy Balances
- P&ID’s near complete
- Preliminary Equipment Sizing and Specifications
- Initial HAZOP Study
- Refined Project Schedule
- Update Operating Cost
- Financial ProForma refinement
Stage 3: Basic Engineering (Basic Design) (Front End Engineering Design)
Costing Definition: Budget Cost Estimate
Costing Accuracy: 90%
- Basic Engineering provides a pre-defined level of detail not yet sufficient for construction and operation, but enough to develop a cost estimate, a schedule estimate, and to make any critical decisions that will influence the final design of the plant.
- The goal of the Basic Engineering Phase is to develop a 90% accurate cost estimate.
Typical Deliverables:
- PFD’s approved
- Refined Mass & Energy Balance
- Detailed P&ID’s approved
- Utility Flow Diagrams (UFD’s) complete
- Equipment Specifiations & Data Sheets complete
- Line Lists, Valve Lists, Instrument Lists complete
- Preliminary Electrical & Loop Sheets
- Pre-design HAZOP Study
- Approved General Arrangement (GA) drawings
- Preliminary Interlock design
- Commissioning & Start-Up Procedures
- Project Execution Plan
- Detailed EPC Project Schedule
Stage 4: Detailed Engineering (Detail Design)
Costing Definition: Final
Costing Accuracy: Detailed
- In the Detailed Engineering Phase, the plant is fully designed. Construction specifiactions, commissioning and start-up procedures will be completed.
- The plant will have a detailed cost estimate as well as a construction schedule.The final HAZOP Study takes place in this phase.
Project Execution: Construction, Commissioning, Handover
- Project Execution. Materials procurement and construction will begin. This stage includes all activities until the plant is started-up and regular operations begin.