082 708 0250 willie@multipole.co.za


Multipole Projects has experience in Fluorine related projects

  • NF3 Plant – Nitrogen Trifluoride (NF3) plant extension, engineering and management of the (NF3) Purification Plant at Pelchem, NECSA
  • KHF2 – Process development on the purification of Potassium Bifluoride (KHF2) from the fluorine cells at Pelchem, NECSA
  • WF6 Reactor – Design of a Fluidised Bed Reactor for the commercial production of Tungsten Hexafluoride (WF6) for JDLL in Singapore
  • HF / ATF Plant (Alfluorco) – HF and ATF Plant high-level Basic Engineering, Costing and EIA Inputs for Alfluorco
  • HF / ATF Plant (Foskor)– HF and ATF Plant Layout & Costing for Foskor in Richards Bay
  • HF Plant (Anglo American) – AHF Plant high-level Basic Engineering and Costing for Anglo American
  • HF Plant (Pelchem-NECSA) – Investigated the performance of the Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) Plant at Pelchem (NECSA) 
Source: istockphoto
Fluorine fire in pipe section – NF3 Plant
Source: Multipole Projects