Anglo American – Costing of a 30,000 tpa HF plant for the Anglo American-Peruke project.
Metorex (Alfluorco) – Plant costing , mass & energy balance, plant site layout, civil costing, basic utility plant requirement design and costing, raw material, intermediate product and final product storage requirements, transport logistics and inputs to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) module for the HF and ATF plants for the Metorex Alfluorco Project.
Foskor (Richards Bay) – HF / ATF plant costing exercise for Foskor in Richards Bay, including plant general arrangement, mass balance and water balance.
Pelchem (NECSA) – Investigation to the performance of the Hydrofluoric Acid plant at Pelchem (NECSA) together with a proposal for renovation, reinstatement and upgrading of the plant.
Alliances – Multipole Projects works in alliance with Buss Chemtech and Chenco Technologies as technology suppliers for the design of HF and ATF plants.